Monthly Newsletter December 2020

Thank you for your continued support. 

Pokhara – Phewa Lake

Pokhara is a beautiful city and a perfect holiday destination for many domestic and international citizens.  It is mainly popular for its sheer beauty and pristine mountain views, lakes and many more attractions. It is also the getaway to many popular treks in Nepal. The year 2020 was chosen as the tourism year where Visit Nepal 2020 was expected to welcome millions of visitors that however got cancelled later due to the Covid-19 global pandemic. Talking about Phewa Lake it is one of the major attractions in Pokhara. You can see colorful and painted boats for rents and hires. You can enjoy boating meanwhile enjoying mountains that are reflected in the water. 


On the way to Mardi Himal – Viewpoint

The Mardi Himal Trek has become a new hotspot for trekking enthusiasts. Its height is 5,587 meters and it offers a terrific view of different mountains like Annapurna South, Machhapuchhre, Hiuchuli etc. You can see gorgeous scenery of mountains and hills, beautiful forests and authentic tea shops on the way to Mardi Himal Trek. 


Mardi Himal Viewpoint 

You can see the best and amazing view of sunrise from Mardi Himal viewpoint.


<YouMe School, Khotang>


Going to school now is adjusting to different precautionary measures yet our students have been extremely happy to join their classes again. In Khotang, many children expressed their happiness of coming to school rather than studying from home. This way they can meet up with their friends and learn more effectively in physical presence by asking whenever they don’t understand anything or need more clarification. These tough times have been a lesson for everyone and we have to understand the vulnerability of the situation where we are dealing with the health and life of young children and we don’t want to put our children’s well-being at risk. We are following the necessary steps to make sure our children are safe and protected. However, this subject requires a deep understanding so our school team also helps parents of our children to pay heed to cleanliness and personal hygiene for a healthy life. 


Music lessons and learning for the children has myriad benefits that can lead to better development, relieves stress and also encourages students to boost their confidence. Covid-19 pandemic and the lockdown has created a sense of anxiety and mental health issues around the world. This mainly had a huge impact on children’s mental well-being. When our school reopened we tried to focus on creating a happy and fun environment for our students. We have an ECA (Extra Curricular Activities) class where our students learn and play music. This activity has been an important factor in adding joy to our kid’s everyday life. Since the pandemic is ongoing our concerns over being mentally fit has increased and we are determined to create a happy learning educational realm for our students.


Our student Udhhap Karki from Grade VI doing some self practice session in his extra curricular class.


Nutrition Screening Program  

A proper nutrition screening given at the right time has a significant result and could be a lifesaving factor. We conduct a nutrition screening program in Khotang on a regular basis. However, this year due to the Covid-19 pandemic we had to postpone the program a little further. In this screening we basically focus on students’ basic health checkups including their weight, height, blood pressures or any health related issues are discussed with our registered nurse, Nisha Rai. Also, this way we can identify who are malnourished if there is any or at risk of being malnourished. We help in providing awareness towards the importance of sufficient nutritional support and guidance for a quality life not only to students but our parents too. We used to have a home visit program but with the given situation of Covid-19 we had to cancel the program which will be planned soon after the situation gets back to normal.  


Some glimpses of nutrition screening program where our student getting her blood pressure checked.


<YouMe School, Morang>

Our day at a school used to start with a morning school assembly. All students used to assemble at the ground and start a day with a prayer. When pandemic happened we had to stop these activities in fear of coronavirus transmission and safety of our students. However, reopening our school after months; we waited, observed and analyzed the present circumstance then we started our everyday morning assembly session. Morning assembly is a very important part of school culture which can be helpful for student’s day to start with a positive energy and good vibe. Generally, the assemblies are conducted well-planned and in an organized manner. So, we had less hassle managing the assembly and we followed the required social and physical distancing practice for the safety reasons. We are so happy to see our students bounce back and start their day with a great team spirit and energy.


These challenging and uncertain times are here to stay for quite some time and somehow we have managed to come a half way. But the risk is not over yet and we are aware of it. Our current goal is to prioritize running a safe school with complete understanding about the situation. We actually know how effective in-person learning is and in order to keep the studies continuing we are adopting and diligently implementing and following the safety instruction. We are encouraging our students and parents to make certain healthy changes in day to day lifestyle and these actions  can lead us to slow the spread of Covid-19 inside the school and the community as well. 


Involvement in arts and craft activities are meant to be a constructive aspect in shaping children’s psychological ability by facing and solving artistic challenges. This kind of activity can help them make their own decisions and helps in being a critical thinker. Our student Tushant Majhi from Grade IV made a beautiful and colorful pen holder during his art and craft class. We are always so proud and extremely happy to see our children excel in the extracurricular activities. They have become confident and are now more into artistic thinking. We can apparently see them develop their cognitive ability to think critically. We hope and crave to see more of our students shine and excel in whatever activity they are involved in which eventually foster their creativity and vision. As creativity is all about experimenting, making mistakes and learning. We believe giving our students enough freedom is giving them space to explore and learn by themselves.